DigitalOcean - Connecting Workforce & FP&A for Bottom Line Impacts

company overview

DigitalOcean was founded in 2012 to meet the needs of developers who were looking for simple and affordable cloud computing solutions. DigitalOcean provides a range of cloud computing solutions, from virtual machines to managed Kubernetes, that are tailored to the needs of startups and small businesses. On March 24, 2021, DigitalOcean became a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange. DigitalOcean has approximately 1.6K employees as of May 2024. These team members are located across 6 continents, including North America, Asia and Europe.

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The Challenge

DigitalOcean has been managing their workforce needs in MS Excel based on data provided by their HR Department. Their planning process was a hodgepodge of unconnected documents, inputs, and activities. This process was manually intensive and required substantial time investments from the HR department, Cost Center Managers, and the FP&A group managing the end data. Also, there was no “Single source of truth” surrounding the data.

The Results

Upon leveraging both Workday and Anaplan, DigialOcean is able to ensure the accuracy of their Headcount data, automate the integration of the data into Anaplan, and centralize the Forecast adjustments to Anaplan. The forecasts are used to get a better, more accurate picture of future Salaries & Wages and Benefits and the impact to the bottom line.

With the success of the Workday integration, the organization can continue their connected planning journey in Anaplan. The current roadmap includes implementing a Development Workspace, Application Lifecycle Maintenance (ALM), and possibly a Demand Planning model.

The Solution

DigitalOcean implemented Workday to manage their workforce data, including job requisitions, hires, internal transfers, and terminations. This single source of data was then integrated into their existing Financial Management model, replacing the manual process of updating based on HR reports. Managers can now enter job requisitions, hiring, transfer, and termination updates, and compensation updates directly into Workday and an automatic integration through Boomi updates Anaplan based on a pre-determined schedule.

Anaplan is used to manage compensation adjustments (salaries, bonus %, and commission %), Benefits calculations, and Headcount Reporting for Actual and Forecast purposes. Anaplan gives the FP&A team the flexibility to override current Salaries & Wages data, adjust benefits drivers based on differing Regions/Countries, and determine the impact of Headcount additions and/or reductions and the impact to the bottom line.

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